Rincon Bulldogs

Sunday, September 22, 2024

     Hello Rincon families, this is Mr. White, Rincon Principal, with school announcements for the coming week.  A grateful thank you is extended to all Rincon school community members who supported last week’s PTSA restaurant fundraiser at El Pollo Loco.  We appreciate your partnership and participation in all Rincon events!

     This week our 8th Grade students will attend a field trip to Palomar Hospital as part of EUSD’s authentic learning experiences for students.  These science based learning opportunities will take place on Wednesday and Friday for our 8th graders, with half of the grade level attending the field trip on each of these days.  Be sure to have your child return their signed permission slip to school ASAP in order to attend! 

     Rincon is in the process of identifying interested parents and guardians who would like to serve on our School Site Council.  A text message was sent last Friday with a link to a form that provides information about School Site Council.  Parents and guardians are able to complete the  nomination form if interested in being placed on an election ballot for School Site Council representation.  All nominations must be submitted by Thursday, September 26th, at 4:00 p.m. in order to be listed on the voting ballot.  A follow up text message will be sent soon after to conduct the voting process for School Site Council members.

      Be sure to mark your calendars for our first Parents Day Lunch event which will be held on Friday, October 4th.  Rincon Families are invited to join their students during our lunch periods on October 4th for this special gathering.  Be sure to note whether your student has Lunch 1 or Lunch 2 in our daily schedule so that you arrive on time.  More information will be shared as this event approaches.

     Rincon Bulldog students continue their learning as we approach the mid-Trimester mark.  Our students engage in daily activities that allow them to demonstrate the following learner characteristics:  Empowered Learner, Empathetic Collaborator, Ethical Scholar, Effective Communicator, Critical Thinker, and Creative Problem Solver.  “Every Day Counts” in this year’s learning journey, and daily attendance is the foundation for student success!