Sunday, October 13, 2024
Hello Rincon families, this is Mr. White, Rincon Principal, with school announcements for the coming week. Thank you to all families who were able to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences this past Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. The time spent discussing students' strengths and areas for improvement at this point in the school year will help support students’ continued achievement at their maximum levels as we move forward in the school year. We appreciate you partnering with Rincon staff for students’ success!
An invitation has been shared with all parents and guardians, and we hope you’ll consider attending our Community Schools information meeting to be held on Monday evening, October 14th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Rincon Multipurpose Room. Your feedback as school stakeholders is valued, and we hope you can attend this parent meeting tomorrow night.
This is a reminder that the deadline for all GATE Testing requests by parents or guardians is approaching. Your completed GATE Testing request form must be received in the Rincon Office by Friday, October 18th. Thank you for your attention to this deadline.
With our recent completion of school picture make-ups or re-takes, families are reminded that they can order school photos directly from Jostens, our school photography provider. Orders can be placed at the Jostens website,, by parents and guardians who are interested in purchasing school photos of their children.
Please mark your calendars for another important Parent Education Night at Rincon. On Monday, October 28th at 6:00 p.m., Rincon will provide a presentation for parents and students focusing upon “Adolescent Substance Use and Prevention” during Red Ribbon Week. Molly Francis, EUSD Counselor on Special Assignment will be the presenter, and light refreshments will be provided. Please plan to attend this event with your middle school student to receive important information on this topic.