Sunday, January 12, 2025
Hello Rincon families, this is Mr. White, Rincon Principal, with announcements for the coming week. This Friday, January 17th, marks the midway point of the 24/25 school year, and this is the date that the Trimester 2 Progress Reporting Period ends. Teachers will calculate grades for students’ progress thus far in Trimester 2, and Progress Reports will be mailed home on Friday, January 24th. Friday, January 17th, is also a regular school day, not a minimum day, with school dismissal at 2:45 p.m. Please remember to have your student check our “Lost and Found” for any missing items. All items that remain after this Friday will be donated to charity.
The next PTSA General Association meeting will be held this Wednesday, January 15th at 3:00 p.m. in the Rincon Library. All are welcome to attend, and this is a great opportunity to hear about the positive contributions that our PTSA makes to the Rincon community. We hope you can join us.
Rincon’s After School Enrichment Class registration for the Spring session is now underway. Use the link texted to all Rincon families last week to access the registration form. Students can also access the Enrichment Class registration form from their iPads using the QR code that has been shared with them at school. After School Enrichment Classes begin the week of February 10th.
We are still looking for parents and guardians who are interested in sharing information about their careers with students at our upcoming Career Day event at Rincon to be held on Tuesday, February 4th. Please complete the interest form that was texted to all Rincon families most recently this past Friday if you would like to be a presenter at Rincon’s Career Day event. Thanks in advance to all parents and guardians who can support this world of work learning opportunity for our students.
Finally, make note that there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20th, due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.