Rincon Bulldogs

Sunday, February 23, 2025

     Hello Rincon families, this is Mr. White, Rincon Principal, with announcements for the coming week.  This week is the final week of Trimester 2, and teachers will begin calculating final grades for Trimester 2 on Friday, February 28th.  Report Cards for Trimester 2 will be mailed home on Friday, March 7th.  Please review your students’ Trimester 2 progress. As we head into Trimester 3, it will be especially important for our 8th grade families to monitor their students’ Trimester 3 GPA as 8th graders must have a 2.0 Grade Point Average or higher, per EUSD policy, to participate in the end of school year 8th Grade Promotion ceremony.

     We welcome Rincon school community participation in two upcoming Rincon PTSA events.  Our next PTSA restaurant fundraiser will be held on Wednesday, February 26th, at the McDonald’s located at 340 W Mission Avenue in Escondido from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  20% of all sales during this event will be donated to the Rincon PTSA.  You should have also received a text communication advertising the Rincon PTSA led San Diego Gulls hockey game ticket sales. Tickets are $20 each, and the San Diego Gulls game will be held on Saturday, March 29th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Pechanga Arena in San Diego.  Thank you in advance for your support of these two PTSA events.

     Rincon’s Perfect Attendance Challenge for students in the months of January and February comes to a close at the end of this week. All students who have demonstrated perfect attendance for the past two months will earn the opportunity to participate in an ice cream sundae reward celebration in the month of March.  “Every Day Counts!”  We appreciate Rincon families partnering with us in making positive daily attendance by arriving at school each day on time a high priority.  There is a direct correlation between positive attendance and student success at school.