Sunday, March 9, 2025
Hello Rincon families, this is Mr. White, Rincon Principal, with announcements for the coming week. A BIG shout out to Mr. Yates and Rincon AVID students for leading a week of future-focused activities in celebrating AVID College Week at Rincon last week! Don’t forget Daylight Saving Time begins today, March 9th, with clocks being turned forward one hour.
Recent rains resulted in our rescheduling of Rincon’s Family Lunch day from last Friday to this Friday, March 14th. We hope to see Rincon parents and guardians join us for this family fun event this Friday. Please remember that food can only be brought for your student, not for friends of your student, due to our nutrition regulations that must be followed.
With rain being forecast for this week as well, this is a request for 7th Grade parent and guardian chaperones for this week’s 7th Grade Daley Ranch field trips to remain on standby for a possible update about weather impacting the trips. A follow up communication will be made to 7th Grade families should Tuesday’s or Wednesday’s field trip be canceled and require rescheduling due to the weather. Thank you for your flexibility.
Be advised that Trimester 3 Progress Reports will be sent to families sooner than usual. The EUSD calendar for 2024/2025 has Friday, March 28th, as the progress reporting period for Trimester 3 with Progress Reports mailed home to families on Friday, April 4th. This earlier date for Trimester 3 Progress Reports is due to this year’s Spring Break. Looking ahead, Wednesday, April 9th, will be our last day of school before going off Spring Break vacation, and this day will be a minimum day with school dismissal at 11:48 a.m.